mansion hallway by Joel Zakrisson


Completely based on myth

Ghosts are very popular in folklore as well as modern horror. The word ghost comes from the old english word gast, translating to fury, anger, and mind. Though the myth first originated in Egypt and Mesopotamia were they were described as souls traveling to the netherworld to live there lives similarly to how they did on the over world. This myth later developed in the Abraham traditions as what we know ghosts to be today, vengeful souls trapped in the material world due to unfinished business. In more modern myths ghosts are described to be able to make cold spots in hot rooms, make objects float, strange noises or silence in a room, or an unusual rotting smell. These traits were brought into the depiction of ghosts in dungeons and dragons, but its described that they cannot control these manifestations. There modern depictions has them look like how the died, with no gravity and a blue transparent complexion.

In mythology

Athenodorus and the ghost, by Henry Justice Ford in 1900

Yurei the Japanese ghost from the Hyakkai Zukan, made in 1737